Monday, March 9, 2015

The Alamo Events

So basically Mexicans populated Texas at the time and was highly immigrated by American people. The American people didn't like the how the Mexican government was shifting towards centralism and even tried to buy Texas. By this time Texans had had declared a battle known as the Texas Revolution, at this Santa Anna assembled an army full of fresh recruits to restore order. The Texans won this battle and had now kicked out all of the Mexican troops out of Mexican Texas. Texan soldiers now established a garrison at the Alamo Mission, a former Spanish religious outpost which had once been converted to a makeshift fort by the recently kicked Mexican Army. The Alamo had been made to withstand a native attack not a artillery-equipped army. Since the Alamo didn't have any firing ports, Engineer Green B. Jameson had designed a catwalk to allow defenders to fire over the walls of the Alamo, the only problem is that it left the shooter with his upper body exposed to attackers. With less than 100 men left, commander James C. Neill had to write a letter to the provisional government requesting more troops and supplies. The government was under turmoil and could not provide much assistance. In the early morning of March 6 the Mexican Army had advanced on the Alamo and had quickly taken control of it. The Mexican Army had attacked 3 times, the first and second one had been fended off by the Texans, but the third one had taken the Alamo. As the Mexicans scaled the walls of the Alamo the most of the Texans had quickly moved in to the interior buildings. The rest of the Texans who didn't make it in time either surrendered and were executed or were killed by the Mexican cavalry. The news about the Texan defeat sparked a strong rush to join the Texan Army and a panic, also known as the The Runaway Scrape, in which the Texan army, most settlers, and the Republic of Texas, fled from the advancing Mexican Forces. The Alamo battle site is now known as Texas's #1 tourist site in Texas.

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