Friday, June 5, 2015

Robocraft: Final Robocraft Post

How you play Robocraft is simple, basically your objective is to build a robot as you upgrade and earn points by playing games such as Battle Mode and Classic Mode. The controls are simple, you use the WASD keys on your keyboard to move within the map and the mouse to aim and shoot your guns.

There are two game modes, Battle Mode and Classic mode.

Battle Mode is basically a long game of headquarters. The objective is to destroy your enemy's base while defending yours. There are unlimited lives but if you die too often then you are forced to wait longer before you spawn. There are four random towers in the map witch you and your enemy can capture, this tower provides a shield over your base, if all of these towers are captured by you or your enemy then the opposite team's shield disappears.

Classic Mode is kind of like Search and Destroy. You only have one life and capturing the enemy's base is an automatic win, but if you do happen to make it to the enemy's base and start capturing it, you better watch out because if you get shot and are capturing the base then the capturing meter restarts.

Robocraft is a build and fight game that lets players build a robot and fight it in arenas with other players on fictional planets, such as Mars. These robots consist of basic parts such as cubes and wheels. Robocraft has a number of battles such as Battle Mode and Classic Mode, in these players can earn points and rank up in Tiers.

Robocraft: Day 5

Here's my advice. I have been playing the Battle Mode for a while because you get way more points and upgrade points, I have learned that you have to work as a team in this mode, or else you will fail. I also believe that yo have to be a specific Tier to get to the Battle Mode.

With playing the Battle Mode comes great rewards. This is my most up to date picture of my robot that I upgraded with the points I have earned from the Battle mode.

The thing with upgrading stuff and buying new things is that it requires a lot points and/or upgrade points. I my rank (Tier 4) my SMG turret costs like 4605 points. that's why I choose to play in Battle Mode.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Robocraft: Day 4

How to play battles. First you want to click E or Tab, there you will see 2 battle types, Battle Mode or Classic.

Battle mode is kind of like headquarters the objective is to destroy the enemy's base before they destroy yours, you have infinite lives but if you die often then you are forced to wait longer before spawning. There are also some random towers in the map that provide a shield over your base, but only if you capture them, the enemy's can capture yours and make them theirs. 

Classic kind of like a search and destroy kind of mode. You only have one life and if you make it to the enemy's base you have to wait until you capture the base, but if you get shot at while capturing the base the capture meter restarts.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Robocraft: Day 3

Today I found out that you can climb some of the mountains in the game if you have tracks instead of wheels.

I also ran into a loading error when I was logging into Robocraft and I had to log off of my computer to get rid of it and start playing again.

I have mostly played big battles today and have upgraded my robot to this. I upgraded the guns and part of the armor.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Robocraft: Day 2

Take my advice. I figured out how to move and control your robot. When you are in battle or even testing your robot, the controls are the WASD buttons. You also use the mouse to control which direction you look at and to fire the weapons.
You have to play lots of battles and save up to get points and upgrade points that you can use to get better armor, weapons, and automotive equipment.

I have been playing for a while and here's what my robot looks like. I am in Tier 3 which is a rank in the game which gets you better weapons and more points.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Robocraft: Day 1

Here's my advice, I figured out how to make the game less laggy, you hit Esc then you go to settings and look for quality settings and change it to normal. It really helps a lot.

I played a bunch of games, most of them I lost, but won a few. 

I upgraded from wheels to tracks because I found it was much more easier to control the vehicle.
I probably should have done that sooner because I was spinning out a lot, and that was because my armor was too heavy.